Thursday, 1 December 2011

Ho, Ho, Ho

Here we are again then.  That time of the year, when on the 1st of December, our first Christmas card plops through the letterbox.  This is all down to my super-organised friend.  Every year without fail, hers is the first card.  She makes me feel totally and completely useless and un-prepared.

However, this year, I have all my cards.  They are sitting in a box in the spare room because I went a little bonkers at the weekend and when walking past them all thought 'ooooh... look at those... so pretty... and I have so many to write, that I should just pick a few boxes up and then I'm all prepared and ready'.  So I am.  All prepared.  And ready.  I have a neatly printed list of all the people and their addresses so that I can tick them off as I go.  

Guess how many I've written so far? 

Oopsie.  I was full of all the best intentions.  And then a job interview got in the way.  But I'm going to do them.  Definitely tonight.  Probably.  But absolutely not on the last week before Christmas in a rush.

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