Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Sad face :(

I've been sad now for a few days.  At the weekend, I saw the announcement that one of my favourite bands, Take Cover, is breaking up.

I know I wasn't the only one who saw their huge potential.  Last year I happily threw my money into a Kickstarter fund for their first full length album on the back of three amazing EPs and a couple of singles. To this day, I think it's the only band I've ever paid money to get every single song they made.

And so I'm unbearably, unbelievably sad, as I was certain they had so much more to offer if only more people would know they existed and the important record A&R people would sit up and take notice.  Because they are in the US, I never got to see them live. But their recorded tracks could give most of today's Pop Punk/Alternative bands a run for their money.  The lyrics never ever failed to impress me.  Some of them were downright bitchy but that made them all the more genius.  The music was catchy and fantastic and for me it was the perfect package.

However I'm old enough to realise that being happy is the most important thing, so I wish them all well for the future.  I just hope that they will all continue to make music and write lyrics and that somewhere down the line they will each surface again with new stuff to listen to.  When they do, I'll be sure to pass it on :)


cucki said...

oh deary..sending you big beary hugs..
cucki xxx

Anonymous said...

I know the feelings you are feeling in sorts, (sort of only in that the band I have delved into is still together), A few years ago I came across a band called HIM (His Infernal Majesty), a "love metal" band out of Finland that I went head over heals for. Diving into my cash flow for every and all the work. Being across the pond, I so hoped that they would come over and take America whole and I would be able to share this love for them here. In the most part, they bombed here...(stupid people don't know great music if it bit them!) So I quietly love them alone here. LOL I'm sorry for what you are about to lose...good music and those that play it are hard to let go of. HUGS