Thursday, 12 December 2013

Paine Free SAL

Hello all!

Well, not content with the madness that is the 10 pieces for the Turtle Trot SAL, I also decided at the last minute on the 30th Nov to join the Paine Free SAL running on this facebook group:

Basically, people are stitching one of the designs from Paine Free Crafts.  I've had my eye on them for a while, but I just felt like I had too much to do already.  However, everyone's photos made me want to join in too, so with a couple of hours to go, I bought this lovely smallish chart (although I love all of the oriental designs):

Here are all the colours laid out before I started:

So watch out for further updates over the next few months :)

1 comment:

Sally said...

Looking forward to seeing your progress. Wish I could have joined but couldn't justify another full stitched start or another chart! I would have done the Night Owl that Sarah herself is stitching. Maybe in 2015 lol!

Merry Christmas!