Sunday, 23 June 2019

Back to work...

I'm glad I managed to fit in all the Stitch Maynia stitching this year because straight afterwards, I was offered a wonderful job, and that has meant huge changes in our household!  It's been 7 years since I worked in an office and to say the first couple of days were a shock to the system is a major understatement.  I'm at the end of my second week now though and feeling much better.

BUT apart from the tube journey, I'm enjoying using my brain in this way again whilst my hubby has enjoyed doing all the school runs.  I feel lucky to have been offered such a wonderful opportunity in a company which the staff all clearly love and I fully intend to make the most of it!  But man, it's been super tough getting up to date with all the technology I've never used.  

I've even managed a bit of stitching on the tube on the few days I've managed to get a seat... so stitchy updates are coming!  But for today, it's a comfy seat, a quietish house (at least for a couple of hours), a really really naff film and my stitching.

Enjoy your Sunday, friends! 

Monday, 3 June 2019

Stitch Maynia Weeks 3-4

Ok, I haven't managed to stitch daily during the last half of May, but I switched to some of my WIPs for a nice little change, and actually had a lot of enjoyment from them. 

We also spent a couple of days away with friends during the school hols and I've been interviewing for a wonderful job, so it's been a super busy time.

Anyway, back to the stitching updates... here they are!

Bluebell Lane by Derwentwater Designs

Dolphins' Domain by Dimensions

Holodeck piece from Star Trek Cross Stitch book

Seas The Day part 4 by Caterpillar Cross Stitch

Seashore piece by Dimensions

Tea Ceremony (Snipz) (Esmira) by Paine Free Crafts

Ugly Duckling by Dimensions

A little bit here and there and I'm really happy... lots of different colours, so it's hard to be bored with these!  Hope all of you that were joining in enjoyed Stitchmaynia 2019!